Thursday, November 19, 2009

Baby Update!

SO i am a little over 3 months now and im feeling pretty good. Im officially past the first trimester and I think ive been pretty lucky with my pregnancy so far because im not sick all the time..i get sick sometimes but not enough to slow me down....that much anyway ;0) However, I must admit that while pregnant, its harder to find the energy or motivation to tackle the home improvement projects that need to be done around here..i guess Matt will have to do all the work ;0) jk So the doc said that i will be able to find out if we are having a boy or girl in a couple of weeks...we are SUPER excited about that! Alot of people keep telling me that 'you should wait and let it be a surprise' but.....wheres the fun in that?! It would be more like torture! Patience is definitely not one of my virtues :0) What do YOU think i will have? ;0) Anywho, i know we dont know what we are having yet, but ive been dying to start on the nursrey!!! I have found quite a few cute ideas online but cant quite decide...i might just combine a bunch of these cute ideas into one room :0)

Tell me which ideas you liked the best! ♥

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Guess what ♥

SO for the past couple weeks i have been feeling very nauseous and super sleepy. I thought i might be coming down with something but then i realized it might be something....else. So I decided to take one of these...and..........

It looks like we will be adding one more to our little family!!! ♥ Mom and Dad Gates, prepare to be GRANDPARENTS! We are pretty excited about this. We havent exactly been 'trying' to get prego but we werent opposed to the idea either..Parenthood, here we come ;0)